
STEPtember 2022 Match test

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We’re moving CP research and innovation forward.

We're taking the STEPtember challenge to raise funds for cerebral palsy research and innovation. We're taking our fitness into our own hands and setting daily activity goals for the month of September. All month long, we'll be raising funds to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF).

Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common lifelong physical disability in the world, affecting 18 million people of all ages, with 1 in 323 babies diagnosed with CP every year. Even though it’s so common, CP doesn’t get the attention or funding it deserves. Your generosity will change that.

Any contribution you make will make a difference. Your gift can support:

  • Technology that makes it possible for people with CP to move in ways — and accomplish things — that they never have before.
  • Research into new chronic pain treatments and solutions for people with CP.
  • Training to help medical teams to detect CP in babies as young as three months old, so children can get timely physical therapy.
  • Technology that makes it easier for people with CP to live their everyday lives right now.

Please help our team support this great cause by making a donation. It would mean so much to us— and to everyone with CP.


Our Updates

Thank you to our Sponsors.

30 Aug 2022

Glen Test Donated $2.00

30 Aug 2022

Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Donated $2.00

29 Aug 2022

Benjamin Kaufman Donated $1.04

29 Aug 2022

Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Donated $1.04