IN 2023, OVER 15,000 PARTICIPANTS HAVE RAISED $1,438,426


Join us for STEPtember

There are 1 million people of all ages with cerebral palsy in the US — and 33 more children are diagnosed every day. So let's come together and make the world a more accessible place!

This September, join STEPtember — a community of over 15,000 people who are stepping up to raise funds for cerebral palsy research and disability innovation. No matter how you move, you can change what's possible —  and we can't wait to have you on our team!

How Steptember works

Clipboard icon

Sign up with green highlight

Create or join a team of up to four or register as an individual.

Dollar notes icon

Fundraise with green highlight

Raise money to support life-changing cerebral palsy research and disability innovation.

Sneakers icon

Step with green highlight

Take the equivalent of 10,000 steps per day and track your progress online or in the STEPtember app.

People icon

Share with green highlight

Spread the word and encourage your friends to donate.

If you take the first step,  we'll help you with the rest


The STEPtember Trainers all have cerebral palsy, which is why they're so excited that you're stepping up for cerebral palsy research and disability innovation!

No matter how you choose to move during the challenge, they'll cheer you on as you reach your fundraising and physical activity goals.
Solly trainer shot


Solly embodies the "work hard, play hard" attitude. He won't ever back down from a challenge: in fact, he finds fun in everything he does, no matter how hard he is working. Solly's ready to get you moving with a smile on your face this STEPtember.
Julian trainer shot


Julian spends his spare time creating animated characters and storyboarding. Being creative and physically active is important to him. An active mind and body is at the top of his agenda. His twin sister, Justine is also a STEPtember trainer!
Charli trainer shot


Justine is curious and loves exploring new books, recipes, and music. She's ready to extend her passion to the support of cerebral palsy! She encourages everyone to get moving, and not be afraid to get to know yourself through undiscovered interests.
Neilob trainer shot


Katy is pretty fearless when it comes to getting movin', and she doesn’t shy away from a challenge. During STEPtember, she hopes to empower everyone to move every day in a way that feels right for their bodies and encourages them to try something new!
Neilob trainer shot


As an endurance athlete, Todd wants you to know how powerful you are! We all carry vast potential within us and Todd wants to encourage each of you to go deep to discover ours. Do one more rep, go further today than yesterday, you got this!

Connect with Us

 @researchforcp #STEPtemberUS